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Razorback Wing

Get to Know Us

The Razorback Wing of the Commemorative Air Force is based at the North Little Rock Airport (KORK).


Our mission is to Educate the public about the sacrifice of the men and women that served the U.S. military during WWII, Honor the service of Americans on the home front and abroad that have served and currently serve in this great nation's military, and Inspire current and future generations to pursue their passion.

Ryan PT-22 Recruit

The Razorback Wing is proud to fly and maintain a 1941 classic WWII training airplane, the Ryan PT-22 Recruit. Built by Ryan Aeronautical in San Diego, CA, the PT-22 was the Army Air Corps first low wing monoplane trainer. Adapted for the military from the design of the Ryan ST sport civilian airplane, the PT-22 was upgraded with the Kinner R560, 160HP radial engine and enlarged cockpit. The swept wing design made the aircraft a tough but honest trainer for young airmen.

Miss Cherie


Engine: One 160-hp Kinner R-560 five-cylinder radial engine
Weight: Empty 1,313 lbs., Max Takeoff 1,860 lbs.
Wing Span: 30ft. 1in.

Length: 22ft. 5in.
Height: 6ft. 10in.
Maximum Speed: 131 mph
Ceiling: 15,000 ft.
Range: 352 miles

Armament: None

"Miss Cherie"

The Razorback Wing's PT-22  AC-41-20679 was built in 1941 and served the Army Air Corps at Visalia Army Airfield in Visalia, CA. training pilots for combat in WWII. Delivered to the Army Air Corps for the price of $8581.00 it served as a primary trainer from March 1942 to September 1944 amassing 503 hours of flight training and at least one forced landing due to an engine failure. In May 1945 AC-41-20679 was sold for $875.00 and began its life as civilian aircraft. After a lengthy restoration completed in 1995 "Miss Cherie" was eventually donated to the American Heritage Air Power Museum where it serves the Commemorative Air Force as a flying example of one of America's best primary trainers.

Vultee BT-13 Valiant

In 2024 the Razorback Wing as assigned a historic BT-13 restoration project. This aircraft is a WWII basic trainer and is the same type flown at the Walnut Ridge Army Flying School in the 1940s. Our wing is honored to have the opportunity to bring this aircraft back to life. We hope to have her flying soon. 

Our Project

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Razorback CAF

North Little Rock Municipal Airport

8800 Remount Rd.

North Little Rock, AR 72118

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COL Rob Lashbrook


Razorback Wing CAF Map to Hangar_edited.
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